I have traced over the design in Adobe Illustrator, so i can work out the parts and break them up. The colours only represent the different parts - i will be using teals, purples, and blues.

I can just scale them up in illustrator and print out my pattern to any size i need....
Off to the baby doctor this afternoon so i will have more pictures of peanut! I am 16 weeks and 4 days now - getting close to half way -- whoot whoot!
I was out op shopping today, and found a "how to decorate babies nursery" book that looked really good! Damn! I should have gotten it for you!
Yay for visits to the baby doctor! I loved hearing the heartbeat and making sure all was well. And it didn't hurt that my baby doctor was extremely good-looking :)
Can't wait to see the nursery progress!
Your decorating plans for the tiny one are so cute - I love that book too and I'm sure all the things you make will be beautiful!
Love the fishy and colors. I'm trying to choose a color scheme. I like some orange/white/turquoise fabrics I found.
These are beautiful! You are so creative.
Getting close to that half-way point indeed! I remember breathing a little sigh of relief when I made it there :) Hope all goes well at your doctor's visit :)
Hello! I have some questions about YUDU screenprinting, could you please email me? (ali. barnhill@ gmail. com). I couldn't get the "Email Me" link to work, it's probably my cruddy work computer! Thanks :)
That's going to look gorgeous! It's funny just today I was thinking I needed to get the little one a copy of that book. I've hung a mobile in her room (which we still don't use yet!), that is these gorgeous brightly coloured silk fish and its her favourite thing at the moment.
I forgot to say - good luck at the baby doctor!
If your baby grows fats then you should also choose a baby bedding for your kid its not like that it will b dangerous. You can choose baby crib for your baby.
baby bedding
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