In the wake of the horrific bushfires in Victoria, there is a children's store called "Beyond Pink and Blue" and they are putting together bags of items for comfort and distraction for kids caught up in the fire disaster.
"Comfort: something to hold, cuddle, talk, imagine with (like a soft toy)
Distraction: something they can play, do, look at, read (colouring book, book, puzzle.... needs to be compact and light to carry)".
So i am going to help make some library bags to put the items into. Go here to find out more and how you can help and what kind of things they need people to donate.
Thank you so much for this post!
I appreciate any help anyone has to offer and having donations hand made will make the gifts even more special to little ones who have nothing.
Take care.
you are a great chick Katie - I'll go see what I can do to help - hugs le
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